Origin Story

Open Graves Co

Origin Story

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" John 1:5

I started Open Graves Co to help in raising awareness for mental illness by showing people what pain from depression and anxiety feels like, and to point people who are struggling toward hope. I want to provide imagery for those who feel like the pain they're experience is too hard to explain, so that they may be able to for the first time seek help. I want to help equip family members and church members better understand their sons, daughters, brothers and sisters so they may walk with those in who are in pain. I want to help break down the isolation that comes from the fear of being misunderstood with mental illness. I want to see people break free from darkness and hopelessness and find hope and purpose. 

Having battled with depression for most of my teen years and all of my adult life, I have developed a passion for helping people in that fight. About a year ago I went through one of the darkest seasons of depression I've ever experienced. I began drawing these illustrations as a means of catharsis and a way to process what I was going through mentally. It was through this process I was able to see hope and truth that was there despite my pain. My beautiful wife encouraged me to continue drawing what I was going through, which eventually led me to an art show of my illustrations highlighting the story of the pain I was going through and the hope that trumped it. I was so humbled and moved by the reactions of those who were able to connect with my portrayal of depression. There was a father who explained to my wife that after seeing my illustrations was better able to understand his son, who was also going through depression. That was the moment I knew I had to keep going.